Herpetological Endangerment Research Program (H.E.R.P.) is an advanced series of 8 sessions for serious young conservationists. Students learn about all aspects of crocodilian biology, including conducting research and participating in the Endangered Croc Breeding Project at PHS.
H.E.R.P. participants get unique, once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunities that other students may only dream of. For example, students learn how to properly weigh, measure, and feed baby and juvenile crocodilians at our sanctuary, under the observation of the PHS staff. They learn the importance of working in teams as well as accountability when conducting scientific research. They learn the proper methods for collecting data and must also be able to communicate the data and interpret what it may mean. Students enrolled in H.E.R.P. gain massive amounts of knowledge about crocodilian anatomy, conservation, adaptations, evolution, and much more.
For questions and scheduling requests, contact the PHS Director of Outreach: Katelyn Garcia
480-513-HERP (4377) ext. 3
Grade Levels: 4 - 12
Time: 3 hours each week
Cost: $100 per student
To learn more about our Endangered Breeding Program click here.