Did you know that on average our adult African Sulcata Tortoises eat 3,600 pounds of food (fruits, veggies, & greens) every week?  That's 187,2000 pounds of food every year! 

Or, did you know that just the cost of rodents and other snake food is approximately $2,000 each month?  This number is constantly changing due to new arrivals.

Just feeding all these animals can get very costly very quickly!


The Phoenix Herpetological Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and reptile sanctuary that includes a surrender facility, education program, summer camps and rescue and rehabilitation. We take in surrendered, rescued, and lost & found reptiles almost every day of the year...sometimes multiple times a day.  We are dedicated to providing a quality of life for these animals, which includes proper heating & cooling, food (sometimes for animals with specialized dietary needs), water, habitats, and more, even with the necessary costs involved. 

But we cannot do it without your support!

Here are a few ways you can help PHS, the animals that reside here and the kids that come to our education programs!

1. Donate funds via:

Check: Phoenix Herpetological Society
20701 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 107 – PMB 401
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Phone: 602-501-2930


Online: RIGHT NOW by completing the section below!

2. Donate Items! We are also always in need of the following items:

  • 32 Gallon Husky Brute Trash Cans
  • Lids for 32 Gallon Husky Brute Trash Cans
  • Contractor Garbage Bags
  • Canned Cat food (shreds and Patee)
  • Rakes
  • Garden Hoses
  • Chicken Feed
  • Brooms
  • Paper Towels
  • Bleach
  • Scrubby Brushes
  • Pool Skimmers
  • Gift cards to stores we visit regularly like OfficeMax, Walmart, Target, Home Depot, or Lowes
  • Alfalfa Hay
  • Timothy Hay
  • and much more!  We will try to keep this list as updated as possible!

Call 602-501-2930 to set up a time to drop them off!

3. Amazon Smile and Amazon Wishlist - Buy the items we can use to better our education programs!

4. Ebay https://charity.ebay.com/charity/Phoenix-Herpetological-Society/1277258

5. Fry's Food Rewards - To Use the Fry's Community Rewards Program:
Simply encourage your participants to visit https://www.frysfood.com. Once logged into their Fry's account they can search for Phoenix Herpetological Sanctuary either by name or RG826 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.